First of all a list of the baisic properties of the printer that you have to set in all slicing software:
Slic3r Wizard and Tweaks
After Completing the Wizzard
Look around at the settings.
Check the Filament Settings tab
Change so that both the First Layer and Other Layer options have the same value, 210 for Extruder and 65 for Bed. Not doing so will make the printer wait after the first layer for the temperature to change to the set value.
Go to the cooling tab
Change the min and max fan speed like in the picture
A example of settings for support
Go to the Print Settings
A example of the infil settingsDon't forget to save settings.
When you have unsaved settings the tab shows you this.
You can Load Slicer settins, probably we will provide you with a configuration file.
This is a basic guid, after you start printing and gain experience you'll change other settings two.